Faiths for Climate Justice 2024

Host or Join an Action

Use the map below to find and join an action near you. If there are no actions near you, consider organizing one! You can fill out this interest form for more information about organizing an action, or click the button below to register an action in your area. 



ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change)
Pacific Conference of Churches
Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action
Christian Fellowship and Care Foundation
Sunrise NYC
Faith for the Climate
Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve Association
Red Dominicana de Estudios y Empoderamiento Afrodescendiente -RedAfros-
Community Advocacy for Movement and Progress Sierra Leone (CAMP-SL)
Christians for Peace Newcastle
Sister of Mercy, NL
Methodist Church of Southern Africa
Green Conservers
Pentecostal Church in Uganda Bidibidi
Citizens Network for Community Development Zambia
Center for Enlightenment and Development
Mother Earth Sustainable Agriculture Association
Development Organisation for Social Transformation Dost Pakistan
Taqwah Islamic Foundation
Community Education Center And Development Organization (C.E.C.D.O)
Sawit Watch
Our Common Home
Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah

Interested in becoming a Faiths for Climate Justice Partner? Fill out this form.


Siaran Pers: Umat Beragama Menagih Keadilan Iklim
Siaran Pers: Umat Beragama Menagih Keadilan Iklim

Jakarta, 25 Januari 2024. Bekerjasama dengan Sekolah tinggi Filsafat dan Teologi Jakarta, GreenFaith Indonesia membahas keadilan iklim dengan kelompok mahasiswa dan komunitas berbasis agama Kristen dan Katolik, 25 Januari 2026. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Rektor STFT...

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