United in spirit.
Love in action.
For climate justice.
GreenFaith United States brings together people of all faiths and spiritualities to work for climate justice. We believe that all life is sacred and interconnected. We are grassroots people of faith acting out of love for people and planet to stop new fossil fuel projects and to call for universal access to clean energy and green jobs that can lift our communities to a better future.
People of faith and conscience in the US are embodying their values, organizing ambitious and faith-rooted climate actions to create a livable future for all.
Learn more about our campaigns below!
Multi-Faith Climate Finance Pledge
FINANCE THE FUTURE, NOT ITS DESTRUCTION Avoiding climate disaster requires an immediate end to new...
Not In Our Name – Faith Leaders Disrupt Chase Bank HQ
Faith Leaders Disrupt Chase Bank HQ with Prophetic Ritual of Lament On September 14, 2023, 30 New...
Climate Grief Circles
In November 2023, we began offering monthly online climate grief circles to provide a space for...
What does grassroots, spiritually-grounded climate activism look like?
Read on to see what our team has been up to lately.
Important Update: Faiths for Climate Justice
An Message From Executive Director Rev Fletcher Harper Three weeks ago, ten of our GreenFaith...
Apply for the GreenFaith North America Rising Leaders Fellowship
Across the globe, young people are leading the way in the fight for climate justice and against...
People of faith in the fight against MVP
By Rev. Amy Brooks Paradise, GreenFaith Organizer The Mountain Valley Pipeline has been under...