On a cold night in early November, NYC Circle leaders and friends new and old gathered at the Brooklyn Friends Meetinghouse for an evening of community connection and planning.
This lively and energetic group, which included Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Unitarians, Buddhists, and interspiritual folks, chatted over delicious Indian food and then moved into an invigorating brain- (and heart-) storming session. Together, we envisioned the future of faith-based climate activism in New York City. There were lots of juicy ideas to put energy into in the new year! Potlucks, greater presence at the weekly meditation sits at BlackRock and Chase Bank, ways to engage youth and other folks who are not yet well-represented in GreenFaith, and so much more.
We ended our time together by singing “We Got Faith in the People,” before heading back out into the chilly night, our bellies and hearts just a bit fuller than when we had first walked in.